Be able to Bug out 
Think about what you would need if the power went out. What would you want and need if you had to leave or “Bug Out” in a hurry. Think three (3) days. Sometimes it can take a while for help to come.
These are important things that you can have on hand to eat, drink, or keep yourself happy and calm.
Some ideas are: granola bars, bottled water, a favorite book or toy, a flashlight, and your inhaler if you need one. The power might not work, so electronic games are not always helpful.
Find a backpack or duffle bag you can use only in emergencies. This is your Bug Out bag. Place the items you know you need in your “Bug Out” bag. Now put your bag in a place where you know you’ll find it.
Did you do it? You did!
Congratulations! You’ve taken your third step as a Ready Marine Corps Kid.
Is your family ready?
Together, make a family emergency kit. Get a plastic bin or duffle bag that is easy to find and easy to move. Load it with items your family would need in an emergency. Don’t forget your pet.
Click here to print out a full Family Kit List, and take it with you when you shop.
You might also want to check out Storm Hero to find 20 items that should go into your family's emergency kit and other games and activities on the Ready Marine Corps Kids Fun Activities page.