
Safe Havens & Civilian Shelters



In the event of an emergency, Marine Corps regional and installation emergency management organizations have plans and procedures to direct evacuation. When time permits, the preferred protective strategy for nonessential and nonemergency personnel is evacu­ation to a civilian shelter, remote safe haven, or designated place outside the danger area. In emergencies with only a short to moderate warning time, installation authori­ties may direct people to one or more designated safe havens.


What is a Safe Haven?

A safe haven is a pre-designated facility that Emergency Management will acti­vate as warranted for use as temporary protection. This location is usually not certified, insured, supplied, or regularly staffed.

A safe haven may be local, either onboard or in the immediate vicinity of an Installation, such as auditoriums, gyms, schools, and similar structures.

Or a safe haven may be remote, onboard either another geographically distinct Installation or even another Marine Corps Region, in civilian or military lodging/ housing facilities, including bachelor quarters and hotels.

In an emergency, follow mass notifica­tion instructions to the identified safe haven.

Regional and installation Safe Haven Management Teams provide for the acti­vation and operation of local and remote safe havens. Plans are coordinated with military and civilian authorities and may include provision for food, water, medicines, and security.


If directed to a safe haven

If you are directed to move to a local or remote safe haven, there are a few things you should know:

  • Safe havens usually involve staying with many people in a close proxim­ity, so it is important to cooperate with safe haven managers and oth­ers assisting them. 

  • Even though safe havens may provide water, food, medicines, and basic sanitary facilities, you should bring your emergency kit to ensure that your family has the items that meet its needs.

  • Depending on the situation and regulations of the safe haven, pets may or may not be allowed. Ask your Installation Emergency Man­ager for clarification and/or restric­tions if you are unclear. Ensure that you address the needs of your pets while at the safe haven by bringing enough food and water for them.


Civilian Shelters

In the event of an emergency, Marine Corps regional and installation emergency management organizations have plans and procedures to direct evacuation or movement to shelters. When time permits, the preferred protective strategy for nonessential and nonemergen­cy personnel is evacuation, but in emergencies with only a moderate advance warning, installation authorities may direct people to local, state, or host-nation shelters.


What is a shelter?

A shelter is a publicly identified, certified, supplied, staffed, and insured civilian facility where the endangered population may seek temporary protection for a limited duration. Marine Corps regions and installations do not develop, maintain, or operate certified shelters. Instead, regions and installations coordinate shelter needs with appropriate state, local, host-nation, and private agencies. The American Red Cross is the principal U.S. resource for development, management, and operation of certified shelters. Certified shelters within the local community are preferred over safe haven facilities onboard an installation.


If you are directed to take shelter in a mass care facility operated by a disaster relief organization, there are a few things you should know:
  • Even though mass care shelters often provide water, food, medicine, and basic sanitary facilities, you should plan to take an emergency kit with you.

  • Alcoholic beverages, weapons, and smoking are prohibited in all shelters.

  • Mass care facilities can involve liv­ing with many people in close prox­imity, so it is important to cooperate with local shelter managers and others assisting them.

  • Depending on the situation and regulations of the safe haven, pets may or may not be allowed, so ask the Installation Emergency Manager for clarification and/or restrictions if you are unclear. Ensure that you address the needs of your pets while at the safe haven by bringing enough food and water to support their stay.


How to Prepare

  • Verify and update official contact information in the Marine Corps Enterprise Mass Notification System (eMNS), and register all cell phones, home phone, email addresses, etc. in eMNS

  • Identify shelters in your area before an emergency. FEMA offers a mobile app that locates shelters in your area. Download the app to your phone.

  • Make a written family emergency plan, including an emergency com­munication plan. 

  • Build in advance and take along an emergency kit that can sustain your family for at least three days. 

  • Once you are in a safe place, follow your command’s protocols for personnel accountability and contact your command’s designated Point of Contact to check-in and report your location and situation.


How you will be notified

  • Giant Voice (GV)—A voice an­nouncing system using exterior speakers, commonly termed “Giant Voice”

  • Interior Voice (IV)—Interior speakers or sirens within individual buildings

  • Enterprise Mass Notification System (eMNS)—An interactive, com­munity notification system capable of providing voice and/or data messag­es to multiple, designated receivers

NOTE: You must register your personal information in eMNS to receive notices after hours and away from the office on personal devices.

Set your own course through any hazard: stay informed, make a plan, build a kit. Live Ready Marine Corps.