
Plan Ahead



Ask yourself

Do you know what you would do if a tornado was spotted in your area?

Who would you call in an emergency if you were separated from other family members?

Where will you meet if there is a fire in the house or another disaster?



To make sure you can answer the questions above, you need a plan. A plan will help you get to safety quickly and help you find your family if separated. You might have some warning before a disaster happens. Natural hazards such as hurricanes and blizzards are often reported in the news and weather reports. Other disasters such as tornadoes, tsunamis, or power outages may occur with little to no warning. 

Once you have a plan, you'll know what to do no matter what happens!


Make a plan

Together with your mom, dad, brothers, and sisters, decide where everyone will meet in your neighborhood in an emergency. Maybe it’s by the big tree two houses down or the stop sign at the end of the street. Maybe you’ll meet at a friend’s house. Wherever it is, just make sure everyone knows the location. 
You also want to choose a location outside your neighborhood to meet in case you can’t get home. Think about places you go often, like your school.


Practice your plan

Practice getting to your meeting places using your home escape plan. Also practice getting to your meeting spot from different areas of your neighborhood in case you are not home when an emergency strikes.


Pick a contact

Choose one person (your emergency contact) in a different state who every person in your family could call or text in an emergency. I chose my grandpa. You would all call your emergency contact to let them know that you are safe and where you are. Create a contact card with that person’s name and number. Put a copy in your backpack or wallet, where you can find it when you need it. You can also put this person’s name and number in your cellphone if you have one. 
In an emergency phone lines can get tied up. Texting is often the best way to communicate in an emergency without adding to the problem.  

Do you have your plan? You do!


Congratulations! You’ve taken your second step as a Ready Marine Corps Kid.


Practice with chesty

Now that you have your plan for what to do in case of a tornado or home fire, what about an earthquake? Practice the Drop, Cover, Hold On earthquake drill to be just as prepared as Chesty!


Set your own course through any hazard: stay informed, make a plan, build a kit. Live Ready Marine Corps.