Marines, civil service, and contractor personnel whose normal place of duty is on a DoD installation or within a DoD facility are required to update their official contact information as well as after-duty hours contact information (personal cellular device, text, personal email, etc.) in the eMNS.
-Persons with a NIPR computer email account do this by following the instructions below this banner, under the “Register for eMNS” or “Edit eMNS Account” tabs.
-Persons without a NIPR computer account do this by contacting their unit eMNS Operator or the Installation Emergency Manager for account creation.
-Family member contact information may also be input into eMNS to receive alerts and is strongly encouraged.
Providing this information enhances the Marine Corps Installations’ ability to rapidly provide essential information which may necessitate taking immediate actions, such as an installation lockdown or shelter in place, during an emergency.
Check with your Installation Emergency Manager for additional location-specific eMNS requirements.
eMNS users with email accounts can “Prioritize Personal Devices” by clicking the gray ‘more action’ drop down tab under “Edit eMNS” within the system.